Quickstart Guide
Create an account, purchase a license, register your server, done!
Let us walk you through how to purchase the proper license type for your server, sign in to our dashboard, register your server, tweak your server config, and have full protection on your server as quick as possible.
Purchasing a License
Once you are ready to make your purchase, visit our Pricing Page Here.
Select a plan that fits your needs. All plans excluding the weekly plan include all features and full access to our anti-cheat.
If you are not signed-in, you will need to sign in and create an account as well if you don’t already have one.
You can login to your account here and you can create a new account here, or simply click in the “Sign in” button on each pricing card if you see it (meaning you are not signed in).
Once signed in, click the “Purchase” button on the plan you would like to purchase, and an overlay will appear prompting you to enter choose a payment method, then enter your payment information.
Note: By default, your email address is automatically filled in for you as the one belonging to your VenomAC account, but you can change this if you wish. The email you make the purchase with will be the one that your receipt gets delivered to.
High-performing Search
Ultra-fast search comes out of the box and re-indexes all of the documentation on every update
Interactive API Playground
Interactive API Playground pages for users to explore the endpoints
Light and Dark Mode
Check out light and dark mode offered out of the box and beautiful for every bit of content and components
Analytics Built to Understand Users
Analytics is built into the platform to help you understand what page users are interacting with, where they are converting, and where they are dropping off